Holiday Worksheets

What Holidays Are Observed by Schools?

Schools in the United States are governed by the individual States that they reside in. All schools are mandated to observe the standard Federal holidays but may also observe the holidays that are relevant to their local populations. There are ten days of the year that are designated to be observed by all schools federal. Eight to nine of these days fall on the standard school calendar. New Year’s Day, the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., the birthday of George Washington, Memorial Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas. Independence Day normally does not take during the school year on any States calendar. Labor Day does affect about half of the school calendar days. Most of the remaining holidays that schools will observe are normally related to the religious observances that are relevant to their unique populations. In this section of our site, we will explore all the different holidays and provide you with some fun free worksheets to help.

Black History Month

February is National Black History Month.

Chinese New Year

A celebration of the start of the traditional Chinese calendar which is based on lunar cycles.


December 25th is the time to get your cookies ready for Santa!

Cinco de Mayo

A celebration in Mexico of a battle victory. It takes place on May 5th, hence the name.

Columbus Day

Celebrated on the 2nd Monday in October for the famous 1492 voyage!


A celebration that is mostly associated with India's culture, but has roots throughout the world.

Earth Day

April 22 is Earth Day. Helps you learn to appreciate your environment!


The great egg hunt, what could ever be any better?


Time for school and the leaves start to turn too!

Father's Day

A day to celebrate the efforts of dear old dad!

Ground Hog's Day

Will Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow on February 2nd?


A look at this spooky October 31st holiday.

Flag Day

Flag History and the meaning of the Flag are explored.


The Festival of Lights occurs over Eight nights in duration.


Celebrated from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1. Honors African-American heritage.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Share the Dream! Celebrated on the 3rd Monday in January.

Memorial Day

Remember those who gave all. Observed on the last Monday in May.

Mother's Day

Held on different days around the world. In the U.S. is observed on the second Sunday of May.

New Years

Seen as an opportunity to get off to a good start, we make lots of resolutions for ourselves.

Pi Day

Mostly related to math components it is celebrated on March 14th (get it, 3-14).

President's Day

A day to remember our National Leaders. Takes place on the third Monday in Februrary.


Time for showers that are followed by flowers.

St. Patrick's Day

The gold ole' wear green holiday that is celebrated on March 17th.


For that season of the year.


Turkey Day is the last Thursday in November, unless you are in Canada and ate your Turkey already.

Valentine's Day

A heart felt holiday that focuses on love and friendship.


This is a bit chilling.